Harold E. Stack, age 103, passed away peacefully at his home in Madison Park on June 14, 2019. Seattle born and raised, Harold graduated Roosevelt HS in 1933 and from UW in 1937 lettering in Skiing and a member of Phi Sigma Kappa. Active sailor, skier, fisherman, served in US Navy for over 5 years during WWII, departed at rank of Cmdr., then rejoined family steel distribution business started by his father. Innovative, industrious and active locally and with the Steel Service Center Institute, Harold grew Stack Steel and Supply Co. with the help of many loyal employees to a regional business with branches in Seattle, Spokane, Anchorage and Portland.
Selling the business in 1977 to fully retire, he and Trudy enjoyed snow birding from their Windermere home of 55 years to Rancho Mirage for 30 seasons making many new friends, dining, dancing and golfing at Thunderbird CC. Married 70 years before losing Trudy in 2013, Harold carried on solo but with truly exceptional help from a staff of loving caregivers. Children Sally, Nancy, Robb, Katie and spouses, plus 6 grandchildren and 8 great grandchildren can’t thank them enough for the compassion they showed keeping Dad healthy and safe in his last few years. Harold was a man of many interests and talents collecting NW art, amassing a prominent collection of ancient carved jade, piloting his own airplane with IFR ticket, growing apples in Tieton and developing real estate. Fishing was his true passion that was shared by best friend and attorney Bob Purdue…….always in pursuit of the “Big One”.
Harold and Trudy affected the lives of many with their philanthropy and especially by granting tuition scholarships at UW to deserving graduates from their respective high schools…..Roosevelt and Garfield. He was a UW Tyee member for nearly 70 years, a member of Seattle Yacht Club since 1939, Broadmoor Golf Club starting 1961, the WAC since 1952, and he was a founding member of Columbia Tower Club plus a founding shareholder in Crystal Mountain. Harold was truly one of “The Greatest Generation” who had many interests and accomplishments. No service is planned so just raise your glass and toast to a good man.